Clinical trials
Stay informed about ongoing and upcoming clinical trials related to alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and how you can participate.
Clinical trials are research studies performed on human subjects. Studies conducted on animals, in test tubes, or using various other laboratory techniques are often called primary research. Clinical trials may include studies to evaluate the course of a disease and its cause or treatment. Testing of new drugs or therapies is often the most visible and exciting type of clinical trial.
In Canada, clinical trials that evaluate a new medicine or pharmaceutical therapy fall under stringent regulation by Health Canada. Health Canada decides whether the studies show a drug is effective and safe enough to warrant broad distribution to patients. Participating in research is a tangible way for you to take part in the quest to improve the lives of all Alphas – including yourself – and be a part of eventually finding a cure for this devastating disease.
For more information
To learn more about clinical trials currently recruiting alpha-1 patients, click below.